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ISO 22040 pdf free download

ISO 22040-2021 pdf free download.Life cycle management of concrete structures.
4 General principles of life cycle management
As a sophisticated system to support the activities of appropriately managing the life cycle of concrete structures with various shapes and forms, LCM shall cover their life cycle from the point at which its necessity is recognized to the end-of-life of the structures. A structure shall securely retain the required functions and performance throughout its life cycle. Decisions shall be made so that the work at each stage of the structure’s life cycle can be connected and managed appropriately based on a consistent concept.
The period of LCM shall cover the planning, design, execution, use and end-of-life stages of the structure. In the LCM, during the period that the structure is used, natural environment, variable actions and the importance of the structure shall be appropriately considered.
The LCM shall be carried out with the LCM scenario that includes fundamental strategy for managing the structure.
The performance requirements of the structure shall be determined according to ISO 2394 and
ISO 19338.
5 General framework of life cycle management
5.1 General
When implementing LCM, an appropriate LCM scenario shall be created as measures to ensure the performance requirements are met during the life cycle of the structure and the indicators are set appropriately.
5.2 Scenario formulation
For implementing an LCM, an appropriate basic 1CM scenario shall be formulated to connect each stage. The basic LCM scenario shall include the fundamental strategy on how the structure will he managed in terms of sustainability aspects. A structure shall be designed to keep its function and performance without major remedial measures. However, planned remedial measures shall be included in the 1CM scenario if they are required.
The basic LCM scenario shall be modified as required. Since this scenario is based on future predictions and various assumptions, LCM-related data acquired at each stage shall be utilized effectively to review the assumptions. Predictions shall be updated based on newly acquired data, and the 1CM scenario shall be re-formulated if necessary, to enable appropriate management at subsequent stages.
5.3 Indicators for life cycle management
5.3.1 General
In the LCM, appropriate indicators necessary for the assessment of the LCM scenario shall be set for sustainability factors regarding social, environmental and economic aspects. These indicators shall be calculated with respect to the period of 1CM.
5.3.2 SocIal aspect
Social aspects shall be assessed with indicators objectively expressing performance of the structure in the use stage, safety of construction work and safety of users of the structure under conceivable conditions. Even when it is difficult to set and quantify indicators for such qualities as adaptability, comfort, cultural values and social contribution, these shall be considered in a social-scientific manner.
NOTE Social indicators include health and safety, satisfaction, population and community and cultural heritage.
5.3.3 Environmental aspect
Appropriate indicators shall be set for environmental impacts in the execution and use stages of the structure, such as resources consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and impacts on the ambient environment.
NOTE See the ISO 13315 series for details of the environmental management of concrete structures.
5.3.4 Economic aspect
All the direct and indirect costs during the life cycle of the structure, as well as the benefits and values
provided by the structure, shall be set as indicators.
NOTE 1 ISO 15686-5 serves as a reference for details of calculating life cycle cost.
NOTE 2 Direct costs are directly attributable to managing of a structure, for example, the costs of materials, labour, equipment, etc., and all efforts or expenses directly involved. Indirect costs are not directly attributable to managing a structure and can include social inconvenience.
NOTE 3 Maintenance, repair, upgrade and adaptation at the use stage are sometimes costly.
6 Procedures of life cycle management
The basic flow of life cycle management is presented in Figure 1.
A new structure shall be thoroughly managed based on the LCM concept during its life cycle. The basic
1CM scenario shall be formulated at the planning stage of the structure. Design work shall be carried
out to satisfy the plan and the scenario. When the design outputs do not satisfy the initially formulated
LCM scenario, either:
— the LCM scenario shall be modified to be consistent with design outputs; or
— the plan and/or design shall be carried out again.
After the execution, initial assessment shall be carried out to check the state of the structure. When any defect is found from the assessment, remedial measures shall be taken as required. Then, it shall be assessed whether the basic LCM scenario is suitable for the subsequent life cycle of the structure. If modification is deemed necessary, the basic LCM scenario shall be updated.ISO 22040 pdf download.

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