ISO 22932-1 pdf free download
ISO 22932-1-2020 pdf free download.Mining一Vocabulary一 Part 1: Planning and surveying. mine surveyor
official at a mine who periodically surveys the mine workings and prepares plans for the manager
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining. Mineral and Related Terms. U.S. Bureau of Mines. 19961 overlap
that portion of area which one survey ( 1.1) extends over and covers a part of a different survey as is shown by the evidence on the ground
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] plat
map ( of a survey ( in horizontal projection (3.3.11). such as of a mine, townsite, etc.
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining. Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 19961 point
position or location in a reference system determined by survey (
[SOURCE: Glossary of HIM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] point of beginning first station
starting point of the survey (
[SOURCE: Standard Surveying Terms — Clinton County GIS — Clinton County, Ohio, 20081 point of discovery
precisely indicated position at which a valuable mineral is exposed to view
Note ito entry: In the absence of proof to the contrary, the discovery point is held to be the center of the vein on the surface.
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] protect the plat
responsibility of the surveyor to examine, weigh and interpret the available evidence in respect to the execution of a resurvey, looking to the protection of the valid rights acquired under the original survey
( as shown by the plat
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] record
all of the documents pertaining to title and boundaries including status, group files, county surveyor
information as well as field notes ( and plats
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] I restoration of meanders
reestablishment of original meanders (
[SOURCE: Glossary of HIM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] resurvey
term applied to the reestablishment or restoration of land boundaries and subdivisions by the rerunning and remaking of the lines that were represented in the field note record and on the plat ( of the previous official survey (
Note 1 to entry: This includes, as in the original survey (, a field note record of the retracement data, observations, measurements ( and monuments ( descriptive of the work performed, and a plat that represents such resurvey, all sublect to the approval of the directing authority.
Note 2 to entry: The above definition is intended or implied unless modified as in an independent resurvey or in some other appropriate manner.
Note 3 to entry: The adjective dependent applied to the term resurvey is for emphasis, and specifically to suggest the recovery and restoration of the prior official survey.
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] retracement
survey ( made to ascertain the direction ( and length of lines and to identify monuments ( and marks of an established prior survey
Note I to entry: Recovered corners ( are rehabilitated, but lost corners ( are not restored and lines through timber are not reblazed,
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] returns
official reports including the field notes (, report and approved plat ( of a survey (
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] solar attachment
auxiliary device mounted on a surveyor’s instrument which mechanically solves the pole-zenith ( spherical triangle
Note ito entry: When the sun’s declination (, the latitude ( of the station and hour angle of the sun are correctly set off on the solar attachment, the instrument on which it is mounted can readily be oriented to the astronomic meridian ( 1.1).
[SOURCE: Glossary of BLM surveying and mapping terms, 1980]
3.2.1,31.1 survey
<process> orderly and exacting process of examining and delineating the physical or chemical characteristics of the Earth’s surface, subsurface, or internal constitution by topographic, geologic, geophysical, or geochemical measurements ( especially the act or operation of making detailed measurements for determining the relative positions of points on or beneath the Earth’s surface
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1996] survey
<plat> associated data or results obtained in a survey ( a map ( or description of an area obtained by surveying (3,2.1.32)
[SOURCE: Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1996] surveying
science or art of making the measurements ( necessary to determine the relative position of points above, on, or beneath the surface of the Earth, or to establish such points
[SOURCE: Glossary of HIM surveying and mapping terms, 1980] survey restoration
purpose of a resurvey ( the recovery of one or more lines or corner ( positions, or both, of a prior approved survey (12.1.1); or the replacement of one or more lost corners (3.2.1215) or obliterated monuments ( by approved methods, including the substantial renewal of one or more monuments (, as required for the purpose of a survey
[SOURCE: Glossary of BIM surveying and mapping terms, 1980].ISO 22932-1 pdf download.