ISO 23906-1 pdf free download
ISO 23906-1-2020 pdf free download.Cigarettes – Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke with an intense smoking regime using GC/MS – Part 1: Method using methanol as extraction so lvent.
8 Preparation of sample
8.1 Sampling
Sample the cigarettes in accordance with ISO 8243.
8.2 Smoking
Condition the samples according to ISO 3402 and smoke the cigarettes according to ISO 20779. Typically, three cigarettes should be smoked onto a 44 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad and five cigarettes onto a 92 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad. Glass-fibre filter pads of 44 mm diameter are capable of retaining up to 150 mg of TPM and pads of 92 mm diameter up to 600 mg. If this mass is exceeded, the number of cigarettes shall be reduced. For low tar products, a greater number of cigarettes may be smoked on one glass-fibre filter pad to achieve a minimum TPM of 10 mg for a 44 mm diameter glass- fibre filter pad and 20 mg for a 92 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad.
8.3 Glass-fibre filter pad extraction
8.3.1 Remove the glass-fibre filter pad from its holder, fold it twice (with the TPM inside) and wipe the inside of the holder with the two separate quarters of an unused conditioned glass-fibre filter pad. Refer to ISO 20779 for additional information.
8.3.2 Transfer the glass-fibre filter pad to a conical flask with stopper (100 ml for a 44 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad; 200 ml for a 92 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad).
8.3.3 For a 44 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad, add 20 ml of methanol to the flask, then add 200 il of the BLa]P-d12 spiking solution (see 75) with a suitable syringe or micropipette (5.7). Stopper the flask immediately.
For a 92 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad, add 50 ml of methanol to the flask, then add 400 III of the HEal P-d12 spiking solution (see 75) with a suitable syringe or micropipette (5.7). Stopper the flask immediately.
8.3.4 Shake the flask vigorously (5.) until the glass-fibre filter pad has disintegrated and filter the solution through a glass suction filter or using paper filtration.
8.3.5 Wash the glass-fibre filter remainder with approximately 15 ml of methanol for a 44 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad or 25 ml of methanol for a 92 mm diameter glass-fibre filter pad. Add this washing solution to the filter extract and complete to a volume which is: 40 ml for a 44 mm filter pad or 80 ml for a 92 mm pad, with methanol. For convenience, bigger final volumes can be used, but without unnecessarily diluting the solution.
8.3.6 Transfer an aliquot of the solution obtained from 83S to a separating funnel. The volume of this aliquot shall not exceed 40 ml, which is convenient for this procedure. However, a smaller aliquot can be used in order to shorten the elution time during the clean-up step (see U..42).
8.3.7 Add water to the funnel in order to obtain a solution containing 60 % water and 40 % methanol, then mix. For example, if an aliquot of 40 ml is used in 8.3.6. add 60 ml of water.
8.4 Sample clean-up
8.4.1 The CH SPE cartridge is pre-conditioned before use by passing 10 ml of methanol through it and then 10 ml of a mixture of water and methanol (60:40 volume fraction).
8.4.2 In the VaCLIUm sainpe pIepdrduull unit, let the extraction solution (see 31) pass through the Cl-I SPE cartridge under vacuum at a flow rate of approximately 2 mI/mm (1 drop per second). Rinse the funnel with 10 ml of a mixture of water and methanol (60:40 volume fraction). Dry the cartridge with a stream of air for at least 30 mm.
8.4.3 Elute the cartridge with 15 ml of cyclohexane (6.3).
8.4.4 Reduce the volume of the cyclohexane solution to about 0,5 ml using the rotary evaporator (5.4). Then add cyclohexane in order to obtain a volume of approximately 1 ml.
In spite of the drying procedure described in 8.4.2. the cyclohexane solution obtained in 8A3 can still contain a significant amount of water and a two-phase solution can be obtained after the volume reduction prescribed in 4A. In this case, the cyclohexane phase shall be separated from the water phase before adjusting the final volume to 1 ml. Alternatively, the cyclohexane solution in th4.3 may be dried on a water adsorbent material before volume reduction.ISO 23906-1 pdf download.