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ISO 37160 pdf free download

ISO 37160-2020 pdf free download.Smart community infrastructure一 Electric power infrastructure – Measurement methods for the quality of thermal power infrastructure and requirements for plant operations and management.
4.2 Elements of the QTPI
4.2.1 General
Power plant operators shall consider the elements listed Irom 4.2.2 to 4,21 in order to maintain and continuously improve the QTPI during the operational phase. See Figure 1.
4.2.2 Initial operation capability
Initial operation capability means the ability to begin operation of thermal power infrastructure as
planned and scheduled in accordance with relevant specifications and unit-specific conditions.
4.2.3 Supply stability
Supply stability means the ability of thermal power infrastructure to consistently supply electric power when required.
4.2.4 Reliability (reliable operation and fast recovery)
Reliable operation means to minimize internal forced outages of thermal power infrastructure as much as is practical and to safely deactivate the infrastructure without damaging the equipment.
Fast recovery means to recover from a forced outage as soon as is practical.
NOTE Internal forced outage refers to a shutdown or output power suppression that is within the control of the power plant. They can be caused by external and internal incidents, excluding shutting down or limiting output power due to events such as planned maintenance.
4.2.5 Environmental and social considerations
Environmental and social considerations means the consideration given to the prevention or control of environmental impacts attributable to the thermal power infrastructure and to the need to coexist with the local community.
NOTE 1 The factors that need to be considered from the viewpoint of reducing adverse environmental impacts can include, but are not limited to, the control of air pollutants, waste water, effluents, noise, other waste and GHG emissions.
NOTE 2 The factors that need to be considered from the viewpoint of addressing social aspects can include. but are not limited to, community engagement, operational transparency and public disclosure. For details of social considerations refer to ISO 26000.
4.2.6 Safety
Safety means the ability to prevent injury to humans.
4.2.7 ICC
LCC in the context of thermal power infrastructure means the summation of the costs incurred throughout the life cycle of the thermal power infrastructure, provided that it satisfies all requirements of the QTPI elements specified above.
Note that LCC can generally be classified into engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) costs, operating and maintenance costs and demolition costs, including disposal costs. In the case of a thermal power infrastructure, fuel costs typically account for a large portion of operating costs. The ICC also includes other costs such as costs caused by forced outages or the costs associated with compensation or penalties incurred as a result of failing to meet requirements for emissions or pollutants.
4.2.8 Performance indicators and evaluation of the QTPI
Power plant operators shall collect the data required for evaluation by evaluators as specified in Table 1 to Table 10. Evaluators may include stakeholders such as insurance underwriters, governments, power providers, NGOs and environmental organizations. Evaluators may utilize the indicators shown in 4.3 for appropriate measurement of the QTPI during the operational phase of the thermal power infrastructure. The evaluation methods and formulas shall be reviewed, as appropriate, so that evaluations can accommodate relevant changes in requirements or circumstances.
4.3 Evaluation indicators
4.3.1 Supply stability Availability
Tabki shows the evaluation method, formula, evaluation period, unit of measure and scope required to assess, at planned intervals, operation and maintenance capability of the thermal power infrastructure and the quality of unit.ISO 37160 pdf download.

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